“Aesthetics in Turkey”

November 22-24 , 2006

Click for the congress program

Middle East Technical University (Orta Dogu Teknik Üniversitesi, ODTÜ)

There have been significant advances in art and aesthetics in Turkey. However, discussions, criticisms and views could not be brought to a common ground; the assets could not be made thoroughly accessible for all potential contributors. Turkish Congress of Aesthetics aims to discover these assets, to constitute a platform for communication among artists and scholars, and hence to contribute to our esthetical knowledge.

We welcome all contributions from fields such as aesthetics, philosophy, criticism of culture and art, and research concerning all arts and artistic forms.

Turkish Congress of Aesthetics will also be an occasion to prepare philosophers, researchers and artists from Turkey and abroad for the XVII. International Congress of Aesthetics, to be held in the Middle East Technical University, Ankara, 9-13 July, 2007.

Organized by SANART, METU Department of Philosophy, METU Faculty of Architecture, and METU Department of Music and Fine Arts with the support of the METU President’s Office.


Aesthetic Sensibility and Practices
Art; Photography; Music; Literature; Theatre; Cinema; Architecture and Urban Design; Everyday Life and Aesthetics; Industry; Media; Fashion; Aesthetics and Science, …

Aesthetics and Discourse
Historical Perspectives; History of Aesthetics in Turkey; Teaching Aesthetics and Aesthetical Consciousness; Philosophy and Art; Ethics and Aesthetics; Cultural Criticism; Culture and Politics; Local and Global; The Classic; Modern and Post-modern; …


Contributors are asked to send their abstracts and a short CV to the congress organization by mail or e-mail until October 2, 2006. Abstracts will be screened by referees.

Congress Fees
100 USD; student 30 USD. The fee will cover the Book of Abstracts and the Book of Contributed Papers. Participants must send the receipt to the 

congress organization until October 2, 2006.

Turkish and English. There will be no translations.

Cultural Tour
On Saturday 21, there will be a cultural tour organized to a nearby town for those interested.

The form in the following link should be downloaded, printed, filled and then sent to Dr. Halil Turan, Fax: +90 312 2107974.

Full Texts of Contributed Papers
Contributors are expected to submit printed and electronic (CD) versions of their full papers to the congress desk.

Registration / Abstract Forms
Registration / payment formClick here
Abstract submission deadline2 October 2006
– Abstract writing instructionsClick here

Dr. Halil Turan
Turkish Congress of Aesthetics
METU/ODTÜ Department of Philosophy
06531, Balgat Ankara , TURKEY

Fax: +90 312 2107974
e-mail: estetik@metu.edu.tr

* Contributors can indicate the session of their contributed papers or propose a different topic.